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השימוש באתר מותנה בהסכמה למדיניות הפרטיות ותנאי השימוש באתר כפי שמופיעים בתחתית כל עמוד. המשך גלישה באתר מהווה את הסכמתך לתנאים אלו.
February 16, 2020 at 1:13 pmHi I just stumbled upon your post and this is my third day turning vegan (it’s quite hard for me since I was a miserable carnivore, but I made this decision after my vet friend told me everything she saw at some farms, and then I educated myself more about this topic) anyways thanks for your discovering&sharing journey! I myself as a taiwanese/newbie vegan find this so adorable and funny, since it came from a total alien POV, and it helps a lot! (Knowing there’s someone else out there doing the same thing, and that there’s some good food I can eat ❤️)
February 16, 2020 at 10:28 pmHi,
So happy I could help you on your important and delicious journey 🙂
Your country is literally a vegan heaven!
I love Taiwan and can’t wait to go back there…